Sunday, October 2, 2011

Change for the better!

I want to be so consumed in my relationship with Jesus Christ and in living the life he intended for me to live that the problems and pains I go through pale in importance! I know it's okay to not like things and sometimes healthy to not be satisfied in some areas...and I will surely still have negative posts, but I want the positive stuff to be greater! God has blessed me with love here on earth and a love that I have now and will have forever. He has saved my soul!! How cool is that?!...I'll answer that, it's the coolest thing EVER!

What's gotten into me, eh? I just got home from seeing the movie "Courageous" and wow, that was like church fo' rizzle rizzle. I would normally say it is WAY past my bedtime, maybe I'll post later...but you know, never would. Well this time I had to. I should not hold back the great things in my life. I don't deserve them, but I am thankful for them.  I'm so glad that someone had the vision for "Courageous" and followed through with it. God is speaking through that movie.

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