Monday, August 1, 2011

A Little Sumpin' Sumpin'

Well I suppose I could use this thing for updates not just venting...why not?! There have definitely been some hard times for me emotionally and mentally in the last month and I have wanted to blog about it.  Problem is, I usually think of what I want to blog about while I'm in the shower and then by the time I'm out and dried and settled, I forget. So, it goes unblogged which I guess is a good thing...if I forget that quick it can't be so bad right? ;)

I have also had some great times recently too. We had friends over at our house to celebrate the good news of a pregnancy. That was fun and I wasn't stressed! Yay! I just enjoyed the company...and the company was pretty great.  We even included a great friend who lives in Alabama. She was with us via skype!

In some not as happy news, but not depressing either...I am definitely in a bad eating funk.  Nothing crazy, I just "HAVE" to have certain sweet goodies all the time. It's not good. It makes me bounce around on the scale and that is not cool. I'm hoping to do some kind of body cleanse soon with Brad and hopefully that will help us out for a little while anyway.

Okay, question: Do you ever have dreams so real that you can't remember if they actually happened?  Well, I have been having a lot of those recently, all involving the same person. It's not a good thing.  They are almost all us getting into fights or me just getting disgusted with this person.  It makes me have ill feelings towards this person and they are just dreams! Ugh! What do I do about that? Any advice? :)

Um, I can't think of anything else to write about, so I'm out! Enjoy.


  1. No advice on the dream, but, I do think it's interesting!

    I can't imagine the numbers on your scale are bouncing around *that* much. I've seen you recently--always looking fit and fab! That being said, I still understand wanting to eat better, which is almost always possible. I've never actually done a cleanse (although have been considering it very seriously in the last month or so), but, if you do one--please let us know how it goes!


  2. I've had those dreams before. You wake up with the weight of the emotion in your chest. Arthur always suffers for it the next day when I told him how he behaved in my dreams! .....please no analysis needed :)
