Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mommy woes

I have to say, I love being able to teach exercise classes and taking Lydia to the childcare center (name protected, hehe).  I know she has fun playing with the different toys and exploring and I know the ladies love her. Most of them have known her since she was six weeks old.  It just gets under my skin though when they bring something up and make me feel like a bad mom. 
Lydia goes through teething cycles...at least from what I've some to recognize. Her bottom gets very irritated for days leading up to cutting a tooth. I can slather all the diaper rash cream on her we've got and change her diaper very frequently (and I do!), and the rash will remain until that darn tooth comes in. After that, the rash clears up in no time. I hate that every time I pick her up they ask about the rash like I'm not doing anything about it. I got to explain this to one of the ladies the other day and she understood.  It was nice that she just listened and didn't try to tell me how I'm not doing something right.  Sigh... I am just praying her teeth come in in groups so this doesn't drag out.  I know I'm not a bad mom, I just can't help but think that I'm being perceived as one.  I shouldn't care so much about what others think, but I do.  It's the people pleaser in me. For now, it is what it is. 

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