Friday, May 20, 2011

Money, Money, Money, Money....Moooonnnney!

Alright, before I get started if you did not sing the above title, please pause and sing it and then continue.
Can I just say something about money and people?!  I think money turns some otherwise very intelligent people stupid.
Currently, Brad works part time (some weeks, full-yay!) and is a full time student.  I stay home with Lydia and teach part time at the Y.  Our income right now is low, but we're just fine.  People should not feel bad for us.  When we skip going out to dinner with everyone, it's our choice.  We may have the cash on hand, but just because you have it does not mean you should spend it.  We would love to retire someday and enjoy traveling, doing more mission work and what not.  You can't do those things if you don't save $. Pay yourself first.  If you don't know what that means, think on it and if you still don't get it- ask! If you looked at our tax return from last year, you would probably cry and shake your head wondering how we don't live in a cardboard box.  We may get scoffed at, but we smile knowing that we are 100% debt free and that we have $ to live off of should something happen.  That to us, feels much better than having the best stuff and going out all the time with a big money monkey on our backs.  We don't have some crazy money secret or anything.  We just use the common sense of...don't buy it if you can't pay cash. Cars, new furniture, all that stuff.  When we buy a house someday, we will probably get a loan and have debt there, I admit. We will not however, say hey, we're going into debt anyway let's make it worth it with a really expensive house. That is dumb.
If you have been wanting to tighten the belt a bit when it comes to finances.  You should check out Dave Ramsey.  Podcasts, books, whatever.  He is a godly man who practices what the Bible says.  No get rich quick schemes, just common sense and the good book.


  1. Jamie!! I love your blog and think it's FABULOUS that y'all refuse to go into debt for little thing (I don't think I know of anyone who paid cash for a house so that doesn't count). But I LOVED see you and the fam this weekend!

  2. Aww, Leah, you're pretty fabulous! So glad I got to see you too!
